The BASIC Compiler patch diskette dated 10/29/85 contains fixes for the following situations: 1. Active/Visual pages not scrolling properly. 2. System hangs on the CHAIN statement if all files not closed. 3. Elements of DYNAMIC arrays give arithmetic errors. 4. CHR$(10) not sending linefeed when following CHR$(13). 5. Implied GET gives "bad record number" error message. 6. CHR$(27) not working properly when sent to printer. 7. DIM statement with SHELL hangs system. 8. S parameter of the CLEAR statement not functioning. 9. "Permission denied" error given instead of "diskfull" error message. 10. PRINT # when : is left off of "LPTn" causes double spacing. 11. If an assembly language program turns off speaker, it remains off for PLAY statements. 12. OPENing and KILLing over 20 files in sequence generates a "String formula too complex" error. These patches may correct other situations not listed above.